
Temple of the Heart

Sitting here by the fireside in the shadow of a golden light I reflect on my life and once again the poet writes...
Just like a sacred journey back to The Temple of The Heart these are ancient times somewhere between the light and the dark. 
And In remembrance of you I pour myself another glass of wine for all the unresolved issues left suspended in time. 
But that\'s another story for another time I\'m seeing life through different eyes now than I did yesterday. You may still say I\'m a dreamer but the dreams I dream now have all taken on a whole new meaning! 
But somethings never change like the color of my eyes the fire that burns inside and the tower turning...
As I journey back to The Temple of My Heart somewhere in between the light and the dark. Sitting here tonight by this fireside in the shadow of a golden light and once again the poet writes…