

Sadness sits on my shoulder
Weighing my down all day
Whispering thoughts, some that aren\'t even true
But I believe it any way

Guilt is tackling my legs
Trying its hardest to pull me down
Screaming every horrible thing I\'ve done
Preventing me from turning my life around

Depression follows right behind me
I try to forget the past but it always brings it back
Forcing me to remember every tragic moment of my life
Forcing me to remember the love that I lack

Anger is running infront of me
Causing me to do actions before I even think
Actions I will never forget due to the depression following behind me
Wishing I could just shrivel up and shrink

Joy is far, far behind
Struggling to catch up with me
Because all the other emotions keep pushing it back
My mind won\'t even see half full it will see and empty cup