It\'s only hair.....its only skin
It\'s only a body for your soul to live in
It\'s only a height.....short or tall
It\'s only a size big or small
It\'s only a smile.......crooked or straight
It\'s only eye colour. . . . . . no need to hate
It\'s only a laugh. .....cackle or cute
It\'s only your flow. . ....loud or mute
It\'s only a spot......its only a scar
It\'s only skin deep. ....... not all that you are
It\'s only a twitch......Its only a stammer
It\'s only an accent. ....not without glamour
It\'s only a that......its only a this
It\'s not what\'s important. ....what makes life bliss
It\'s only you. .....right or wrong
It\'s all part of you..Love yourself...stay strong