
No One Cares

No One Cares

By Mystery

Why is life so hard?

I try to keep everything in that anyone has ever said and it hurts?

Why are you so dark? Or so fat?

My favorites is the game  would you rather

Never being the one picked to date or marry but kill


Sometimes I imagine myself jumping off a bridge

Or disappear so there\'s a reason I am not seen

Or no one knows me

Why am I alone

Why does it seem like no one cares


What can I do to make it better?

Watch the cold blood dripping from my skin

Or maybe even making it public so everyone can see me

But would they care

I am seen like an animal

Like Crooks and Lennie

Being trained to do this or that

Not being able to have a little freedom

Being told what moves I should make


The people I love seem to not love me back

I get hatred in exchange

Even People who I call friends

“Your so annoying?” or “You\'re ugly”

Each word like a bullet to my fragile heart

And when they find someone better they leave

Like training wheels on a bike

But I guess I was already alone all this time.


Why would God create such a waste of a human being?

Was it to be the laughing stock to others

Created for their amusement

I’m tired of being rejected by the world and people around me

I’m done with living a life of disappointment


Why does life have to be hard?

Because unless you are someone no one cares

To bad I am a no one

So who care about how I feel

God doesn’t so why should anyone else