Kurt Philip Behm

A Motorcycle And Leather Bag

A motorcycle and leather bag,

life seemed so perfect then


When everything I cared about…

my backseat was for them


The world was such a smaller place,

ideas grandiose


To wander aimlessly I did,

and never be morose


The road became my staunchest friend,

new places passing by


Those girls I met, the love I spent,

the promise in their eyes


That special place my memory held,

for years now time sets free


A motorcycle—a leather bag,

and all that was to be


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)



   The Future To The Past


To tell if you’re a Poet,

from the first line to your last


Do your words connect with feeling,

—the future to the past


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)




   Abandoned And Now Gone


We’ve popularized everything,

from the classic to the crass


And in doing so, we’ve lost ourselves,

neck deep in the morass


If everything is AOK,

then what the hell is wrong


Those standards that we’ve built upon,

—abandoned and now gone


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)