
I Could But Won\'t

I could write,

About our spat.

But, keep it to me,

Not writing about that.


Or, your mannerisms,

Like you wear a crown.

Not writing about that.

Won’t jot it down.


I could go on,

And, turn to gossip.

My lips are sealed,

Shut down that faucet.


I could tell you,

Your cooking’s awful.

Won’t say those words,

Might be unlawful.


Could be a spendthrift,

And, really splurge.

Instead be disciplined,

Squash that urge.


I could tell you,

You’re getting fat.

Won’t hurt your feelings,

Not saying that.


I could be angry,

That you went away.

Keep it to myself,

Let you have your way.


What I\'ll write down,

The word’s I’ll show,

Glad you were in my life,

So, to you I toast.