
Menopausal Mayhem....

             Menopausal mayhem...

When my wife turned 50 it started....


I woke this day to noise of happiness and tears,
A day I hoped would come these two long years.
My wife has been inside her menopausal bubble,
I didn\'t know how much for me, it would spell trouble.
This beautiful lady besides me these thirty plus years,
Now reduced to bouts of depression and tears.
Your confidence is all but redundant,
As you sit at the window and watch life\'s abundant.
The language she uses, aimed right at me,
We\'re it not for my love, a lesser man would flee.
Her monthly cycle destroyed, her monthly cycle unemployed.
Sometimes three or four months between each,
The pain so strong,my lovely wife would retch.
In those days my heart it breaks, I feel so helpless,
I\'d take her pain as mine, and then would not be useless.
During her bouts of bile and horrible language,
I try to calm her, even though I may need a bandage.
This happy day it may not last, a few hours maybe,
But drink it we will, holding tight to my forever lady.
What ever thing she throws, I will catch,
For my love is one of two birds that match..
We have a bond, stronger than bullet proof glass,
As I know This time will eventually pass.
But until it\'s end and sunnier days return,
I\'ll take it all without complain.
No hero am I, nor will I fall,
For my friends, love conquers all.
The strongest chain or unbreakable glue,
Could not separate my love of you...