
Right was Wrong all along?

I\'ve never thought to myself 

To wonder if perhaps right was 

The other way around. 

Would that make it 


Would it still be right if right was


But if Right was left all along then 

Left was right?

So how can I be sure if I was 



There\'s more than just right and left. 

Somehow we only see one or the 


But what happens when everything is swapped?

When we truly have to think about the answer?

When we\'re not reciting the lines of a play?

When we\'re not programmed into a decision?

When we must decided what is left

or right?


So were we right all along?


In theory, 

Right cannot possibly be left so 

Only one answer is correct while the others 

Are simply deviations with no rewards. 

But someone must have thought, 

What is right? 

What is wrong?

Because if they were the other way around 

Right would be wrong. 

Wrong would have been right all along. 




Maybe it would be right...

If I did what I planned instead of 

Thinking of that. 

The truth?

I\'d rather think of little sense than the structure of atoms 

Or  quadratic equations. 

Than Verbs and nouns, 

Or Simplifications. 


Well, the expansive knowledge of exams

Will never teach me about reality. 

Reality of little sense.