
Hard-core hip-hop is my backdrop

I listen to it because it seems to somehow nullify my soul

In this labyrinth of lies through which I travel

Obstacles desperately trying to unravel the knotted strings of my past

Incantations called out and cast from far beyond the boundary lines

Nothing to take with me when I move on

So, I am making sure now to collect everything that is mine

Divine entities hang loose in the foreground, laughing out loud at the effigy

Making fun out of the ridiculous behavior that just seems to just litter this filthy place

This tiny community that I cannot hide out within

It\'s all just dying to get to know me again

It wants to take over from the place where we left off

It\'s like the town itself is my doctor who is groping my balls and telling me to cough

I don\'t get down that way

I am a more of a holistic kind of bitch

I don\'t trust anyone who annually banks six figures

Come to think of it, I don\'t trust anyone at all

All of my ailments I tend to cure on my own

Long before they come to points that force me to surrender or fall

It\'s so hard to tell which side wants me

Nor which side I am supposed to be stationed upon

My liberal up-bringing was all to become snowballed by vain narcissism

Blending it perfectly with the icy cold January breeze

I can see them all getting ready to pounce so I say out loud \"shit, nigga, please...\"

Spare me all of your futile attempts to install within me mortal fear

Lately I have been trying not to hear even my own claire-audient whispers

But, that takes going against my own grain

Insanity tells all of its followers the secrets of all that is still sane

The opinions still run as rampant as ever

The clandestine journey of all those who think they are so damned clever

Never a dull moment

Always a dull roar

How is it that so many simple requests have become lost in the shadows of what we all ignorantly ignore?

There is a score, and it will be settled sooner than soon

Someday down the way when the rockets no longer have the right to fly to the Moon....
