Stephanie Showers

Watch me fall


Copyright ©2008 Stephanie R Schubert


One step forward a few more back

Now I\'m faced with what I lack

One or two interactions and I can see

Once again I showed too much of me


Everything I wasn\'t meant to know

Keep yourself hidden - walk real slow

Into silence I withdraw

Watch me slip watch me fall


Stealth like in the face of day

You walk towards me I walk away

Share too much and you will fall

I won\'t answer if you call


Silence is golden so they say

Today\'s no different than yesterday

You don\'t understand that I see

Move on ahead and forget about me.


Take each day and hold it tight

Maybe you can sleep tonight

Into silence I withdraw

Watch me slip watch me fall


Still you stand and stare at me

But into the darkness I will flee

I stand alone and that\'s just fine

The reflection in the mirror is still mine


I hold myself accountable for that

Your world is round mine is flat

So into silence I withdraw

Watch me slip watch me fall