
My Little Rusty Playground

Can’t see it vividly like i used to

all i had to do is look out my window 

the window i had escaped so many times before 

so many places to explore 

but all with bad memories and gore 

i can see it now 

came to me like deja vu 

as the rain hit the window 

i was having classroom blues 

the vines growing down that jungle gym 

that playground hymn 

went with us from house to house 

now it sits up on a hill 

waiting for us so still

it might be just wood to you 

but to me 

i loved it so 

childhood memories all covered in snow 


or a moonlight glow 

it was my palace 

now the vines and spiders fill up it’s presence 

no one dares step a step up on that magnificent playground 

maybe one day it will be found 

just like me 

i can still hear the tree that grew and grew until it hit that lump of wood 

my lump of wood 


forever in the air 

but i found it farther somewhere 

i miss that old playground 

but no longer my home 

memories flood my head 

a tear falls 

but the memories still call 

my mind flies me somewhere just as those little rusted swings took me to the horizon as the sun glared

glaring me and daring me

to do the impossible 

my home is no longer with a past hue 

or glue that has always held me to those memories 

they will always stay with me 

but something bigger has my future 

someone bigger 

i’ll take his hand 

but my little rusty playground will linger 

good memories are rare to find 

my heart was taken by God 

he gave me those memories 

they stay with me like a birth mark 

these little happy things made me who i am 

if i let go 

i’ll forget myself.