I smile she shouts I drop my head as i turn roll my eyes with a bit of a pout, what\'s that face for she shouts but she knows what it\'s for we\'ve been here before, yesterday and the day before and the day before so on so forth, hopefully not forever and forever more.
Every day it\'s but a few hours before she\'s started and I\'m heading for the door, I\'m only human I can\'t take it its not what I\'m here for.
You may think this is a rant and a rave but it\'s all I can do not to snap and my sanity to save.
I\'m not for one moment saying it\'s all one way I have my own faults it\'s fair to say.
One thing I can say I definitely do not is take everything out on her use her as an emotional mop .
I leave a few days come back it stops at least for twenty four hours then she\'ll have a strop, then round and round we go again when will it stop I really know not to her I\'m just an emotional target with a massive red dot .