Annie Potatoes


Size 10 crisp footprints ran across the white snow,

Her laughter echoed in the wind.

The future didn’t cross her mind,

And neither did her past.


Size 11 ivory sneakers swung from the seat.

Looking out the window was another world.

Above the clouds, she felt invincible.

I could do anything, she thought.


Size 12 brown sneakers pulled into a stranger’s home.

“This is your family” grandpa explained.

“They are meant to love”.

She grew to love her sister and brother.

And the number of footprints tripled.


Size 13 bare feet stood in the dark,

Her eyes glued to the ceiling,

Her heart beat loudly with the silent rain.

“They are meant to love”, repeated over and over,

As she whispered to her sister across the room.


Size 4 filthy cleats ran across the mud,

Her voice lost in the shouting.

Eyes glared down from above with hatred.

The whispers echoed as she left the room.

“They are meant to love” they whispered.


Size 5 frayed slippers stood against the window,

Clouds covering the dying grey light,

The ground seemed further away than ever before.

Her hair blew with the wind.

“They are meant to love” it screeched.


Size 6 shaking feet hugged closely to her body.

Her voice no longer audible,

Behind the body she had lost.

“I just meant to love” he whispered.


Size 7 black boots walk alone under the growing light.

Staring into the mirror, my eyes glare scarlet.

There is something to be seen today.

Something to be said.

My head raises high against the wind.

“I was meant to be loved” I shout.