
The Light

After all of the searching I’ve done for you, It hurts.

I watched a friend of mine speak. I stared and listened to her very carefully..

This was important.

Her eyelids were brown, unusual to the pale skin she is usually accustomed to.

It looked as if you were to reach out and touch them, somewhere in the world a dam would break.

This leaves my heart heavy..Why is it that the most brilliant minds of our youth put through the most deadliest trials?

Without these trials would we be any less brilliant? Is it so that one life without suffering or hardship is one with no depth and no knowledge?

I feel that the weather is changing..We hope to make it through the winter.

Please don’t be as harsh on my mind as you are on my bones.

Alone we are, together. 

I woke up to static to find you sucking the life straight from my veins like a mosquito in the summertime.

You fed off of me and everyone around you as if your life depended on it.

Suddenly I found myself playing on the edge of Life and Death. 

It is true that i cried for you, no one in particular..on my bedroom floor.

To just be another tally alongside your bedroom wall brought on an ongoing, lingering feeling of regret in the air

that rested like weights on my chest that i dragged along with me everywhere i went for the remainder of Winter..

Especially when i called for you, no one in particular..And no one came.

With Spring came a sense of realization.

If every man got all of what he wanted, I\'d be a goner.