
Square one

Here I am again,
Just me back at square one
I took another chance but another chance has gone
It\'s the same every time I always look for the one
Just when I think it\'s my turn to be happy an almighty kick puts me back to square one

So here I am again
Feeling sorry and lonely
All my confidence gone
You took all the love that I had to give you
You took it and pushed me back down to square one

I don\'t know why
I don\'t know what goes wrong
Maybe I\'m trying too hard to be happy
Maybe I\'m trying to hard to hold on

Just me again now
Just me back at square one
I\'m not gonna take any chances for love
I\'m not gonna be the lonely one

It\'s time for people to stand back and see me
It\'s time for me to stand up alone
Square one\'s not a bad place to be be after all
There\'s time for me there, I don\'t feel so small
Then maybe next time that almighty kick comes for me
Maybe you\'ll be the one that\'ll fall...