chris allick


Feel like I\'m starving
in the dessert
and my dreams the mirage
aztec sands battering my scarf silk
mauve and white
with a hand in front to guide my sight
sight beyond sight
as the sand batters my eyes ,like images of the media
the wind howls like the repetitive music on the radio
i got to tune in
to my own frequency
of my visions
can\'t let this all blind me
get stuck for three years in a mirage of continual sex,drink and heart ache
got to find away
out of this place
i follow my instincts
intuition, intuitive soul
the night isn\'t much different
its more silent
but the insects ,dessert beast eat the weak
as the sun returns
and crows circle the dead meat.
i can\'t leak
or they will sniff me out
no way out but out
as death only comes by waiting
in sand or living in a mirage or
losing your mind
but if you look hard enough though the sand
theres a figure
thats always been there
everything so fake
its hard to remember
what is real
but its real
follow it
never stop
and dive in the real waters
and returns your mind.
once u find it will you return to show the way ?