
never-ending consternation of the FORLORN ONE

Wake up, for me, and let the first thought be

Of your body hanging daintily, lightly, and free

Gasp for me and feel the noose around your throat

Scratch at your skin and cry out to an indifferent god

Go outside and try to talk, but have every racing thought accosted

By ghoulish images of your grisly corpse

Mutilated, dismembered, battered, broken

Remind yourself for me that you are a terrible person

Who can’t get out of bed, whose only waking thoughts

Are of suicide, of freedom that only death can grant

Remember for me that you have no hope inside,

That you have no reason to remain alive any longer

That this dark tunnel has no light and no end

Let every waking moment be a reminder of how you have failed everyone

Let your hatred for God and the world He threw you into

Fester until you become a misanthrope who hates the world

“because the world hates him.”

Remember for me all those stupid promises you made

That “you won’t do anything to hurt yourself”

Even though you know that when the time comes,

It will have meant nothing

Remember for me, every other time you’ve failed to attempt

And ended up wasting your friend’s time with your worthless struggle

Remember for me that your parents would rather have you dead than as a failure

Remember for me that your friends don’t really care about your pain

Remember for me that you are alone and will never have a home

Remember for me that you mean NOTHING to ANYONE

Remember for me that feeling of wanting to tear your eyes out and rip off your jaw

Remember for me that the unfortunate person who has to scrape

Your meaty bits off of the street where you land

Will have more contempt for you than God