

When winning

When losing

When anywhere that lies in between

Unfounded jealousy

Created by a green behemoth

So beautiful, she...

My secret

The one that they search for

The one that I see them try to wrangle to the fucking ground

Squeezing the life from it as it reincarnates deep within the orb

Why I ever allowed for it to be borrowed I will never know

Never before

Never again

It already belongs to me

I copulate with creatures of the arcane

Creating within me the prism that becomes my cloak from the cold

This iciness that, for  whatever reason, remains abreast of the May night\'s skies

Proving that patterns are real and that they do die and then they are again reborn

Turbulence that gnaws upon the thoughts that run much deeper than Mother Nature ever would

The good

The bad

Nothing uglier than nothing at all

Remaining at war to overcome the semi-permanent stain of the grey

They even sit there watching me as I play them against themselves

The truth of my intentions unknown even to me

They constantly try to challenge the ring of reality behind the few words that they may happen to hear me say

Most likely, no definitely, intentionally misspoken

The vows that they assume I have taken they have all broken somewhere within the myriad of all the futile attacks

I am, indeed, like they but only just an animal

But, my wisdom keeps me blanketed by covering up all of my tracks...
