

Extremely rewarding,

Feeling in the world,

When you’ve been validated,

Your opinion was heard.


You have the intelligence,

A problem you see.

You find a solution,

That person agrees.


Important to you,

You’ve been recognized.

You stuck out your neck.

No fear of being chastised.


You checked your facts.

Truth to substantiate.

Heart pounding inside.

No more could you wait.


You’re fair in judgement.

Then received affirmation.

Such a feeling of reward.

Just the greatest sensation.


Maybe it’s not popular,

With those without care.

Step outside a comfort zone.

They would never dare.


It is survival of self,

In which, others benefit.

Harmony then prevails.

You should never forfeit.


It may take some time.

For them to come around.

Be patient, and strong.

Forever stand your ground.


Do not seek it for selfish,

Hurt others or for greed.

Be thoughtful and caring,

Validation, a shared need.