Almightie Mizaxk

My Partial Goodbye

Day by day I think of you,
Asking Is This Really true?
I can’t believe you’re really gone,
Never will I accept it,
Even after so long.
Just the thought of you makes me Softly cry, Because
I never got the chance to say goodbye.
Every Image, every letter,
I don’t know if it will ever get better. Theirs Seems To Be A Constant Change In The Weather.
But I Can Still Recall your familiar scent,
It makes me think of The Lost Time We\'ve Spent, And I know we didn’t always get along,
And every time we talked, it Seems To go wrong.
So many things I never got to say,
I never imagined you’d Be Gone From Me.
You were my Little brother.
And I loved you like no other.
In my heart you’ll always be, Until We Both Rest Eternally .
You’ll be my guide and help me see. That Things Aren\'t Always What They Tend To Be.
I’ll never forget your Allay voice,
I would have taken your place if I had the choice.
But now I have to let you rest,
Although without you my world’s a mess. We Are Twins Meaning We Are Close To The Same Flesh,
I miss you with all of my heart, Because Pains Still Echo\'s Throughout My Chest.
I know you’re always by my side, No Longer Hiding Pain Inside Through Thick N\' Thin We\'ll Always Ride. Until We Meet Again..This Is My Partial Goodbye.