
Dreaming Again

I woke up this morning and rolled out of bed
Pulled the curtains back and let the sun shine on my face,
I said \"good morning world\" and to the shower I did head,
I turned on the light and realized something was out of place.
The toilet was on the wall
and the shower was half gone
The sink was six foot tall
and the medicine cabinet was a talking phone.
I said \"what the hell is going on here?,
I must still be asleep\",
I turned and walked away saying \"I need a beer\",
Then I heard a sheep.
I got my beer and chugged it down
Then I searched the whole house
You won\'t believe what I found
The first was an educated mouse.
He was wearing a suit and tie
With a top hat and cane
He had a monicle on his eye
and was teaching a class about the rain.
My couch and loveseat where steady getting busy
While the recliner and tv just watched them
Then the tv said \"ohhh! He ain\'t doing that is he?\"
Let\'s just say the couches tongue was on the rim.
I made my way to the kitchen
and the microwave and blender where doing a shot
The dishwasher and stove where b*tch*ng
and the table and chairs said it was too hot.
The refrigerator was drinking my beer
He was drunk as a mother
I thought to myself \"what\'s happening here?\"
and went to my room and climbed under my cover.
The next thing I knew
I was waking up again
My assumptions where true
I was just dreaming again