
Heartful Hopes

Fits tune: Ruth

(\'Summer Suns Are Glowing\')

Based on part of Jeremiah Chapter 31


Hope of restoration

To each tribe, nation

You do make, do offer

Blessed we, you confer

Of your graces glorious

Reaching unto us

We have hope, assurance

You give confidence


New Covenant you made

Christ for us price paid

That we may hope sure have

Christ for us [His] life gave

Laws written in hearts, minds

Who looks there each finds

Your words, words of life true

Treasures not a few


And you our God shall be

We your people, see

Each knowing you, we share

In your love and care

And with sins forgiven

Nor remembered, when

Guilt and shame may trouble

Yet we shall not fall


\'Tis your Spirit who dwells

In us, and He tells

Of Christ, He does witness

Gives us hope, does bless

So through all life\'s journey

Your strong hand we see

Guarding, keeping, leading

Loving even me