Inking Feather

The Lock to my Broken Heart

Every body\'s heart has a lock

With every lock must come a key

Every key is different with a befitting key made for the perfect lock

But we don\'t always find the right key the first time.


As the heart goes black the lock gets harder and colder

The key becomes harder to find

 Sometimes you feel like you’ve found your key

But really they just had a copy made from the right key.


But remember you have a key to

A key that fits into someone\'s lock

A key that you must use wisely

A key that once used to be molded in the shape of your lock


The lock is made for one key

One key that will change your life

Though that key may be a rental and they don\'t pay their fee

There is no need to get a new key so quickly


For you hold the key to your own lock

You can choose to give that key to others

But give out your key wisley

As the person can make a copy and give it to people you don\'t want it given to.


Everybody\'s heart has a lock

With every lock must come a key

Your key will come

And your lock will fade away


After the lock is faded away

Your key will be used

To fit the other person\'s lock.