Isabel Chelisia Villa

My Own

Call me crazy if you may. I wish to live out my life, my own way. Constantly telling me its my own mothers fault I am the way I am. I kinda get the feeling that you never gave a damn. So many chances you had, to actually buck up and be a dad. She has too much control. I wish I left you all on your own. You stopped being there for me at eight years old. Now our relationship has gone cold. Your raising and loving a child that isnt even yours. I can hear exactly what you say behind those close doors. I dont care or respect what you say? If you dont want me to be me, and to voice what I have to say then why did I come live with you anyway. For the past five years Ive been basically on my own. Waiting for you to come and help. At 13, I was raising my sister, 14, dealing with my alcoholic mother, 15, laying her to rest, 16, now im raising your son? Your only excuse is that youve lost enough. So please tell me how you dont want me to be alone. You left me at home, by myself, all day long, and you expect me to be okay? I was 15....Does it ever cross your mind how much you have done me wrong. I was fighting for you when someone had shit to say. Now you have shit to say?

Lieing, cheating, and stealing, Three things you say you can not stand. Yet the people you hang with the most, man you breaking your own rules.I have begun to realize I may just be better off on my own...