Michael Edwards

A COCKNEYS LOT (Chapter One)

A COCKNEYS LOT (Chapter One)



Woke from bo peep

and rubbed me mince pies

and looked at the dickory dock.


Tiddlers bait, couldn’t wait,

need a tom tit and jimmy

took a bowl to the wooden log.


Couldn’t Adam and Eve it

oh boy was it taters

my khyber felt just like white mice.


To the bob squash room

with a cape of good hope

to wash my boat race and bushel.


A butchers in the snake

oh a real two and eight

better dad and dave and comb of the barnet.





 bo peep = sleep
mince pies = eyes
tiddlers bait = late
tom tit = s**t
Jimmy = jimmy riddle = tiddle = wee
wooden log = bog = toilet
adam and eve = believe
taters = taters (potatoes) in the mould = cold
khyber = khyber pass = arse
white mice = ice
bob squash - wash
cape of good hope= soap
bushel = bushel and peck = neck
butchers = butchers hook = look
snake = snake in the grass = (looking) glass
two and eight = state
dad = dad and dave = shave
barnet = Barnet Fair = hair