




Somewhere, here in this torrent of  rain

I shall find it

under a teardrop

inside a puddle.

How far could it have rolled?


It would never have fallen

had you left without it

if my hands had not been wet

but I was over my head

drowning in my bottomless pit.


You know how I love to be naked

how much I enjoy the Sun.

You know it was always a loose fit.

Sometimes I wondered if it was really mine

sort of like you.


Why did the sky open up upon your arrival?

Did it know more than you and I?

The clouds seem to know your heart

by its darkness and its fire.

Rain falls wherever you go.


Here it is, hiding beneath your boot.

I knew exactly where to look.

It’s no longer golden

more of a green, gone to rust.

Perhaps you can hock it for your guitar?


Take it and leave

and don’t ever come back.

I do not want to see your face

in case my heart weakens

and I should choose to get dressed.