

Tomorrow I\'ll be where I am now. Lighting a candle in the dark to light my way back to santinty. The candle will drop and burn my hand as I search for any sign of humanity. Longing and waiting for the light to burn out and show me peace. 

Tomorrow I\'ll be where I am now. Setting in a house full of light but nothing but confusion. Praying for the night that I\'m so used to.. The familiar smell of the candle and the dime light has become me, finally we are one. I lone for the burn on my skin just so I know I\'m alive. 

Tomorrow I won\'t be where I am now.. I\'ll be lost in the dark forever. The darkness calling me.. Consuming me,wanting me to know it\'s near. 

Tomorrow I\'ll be setting here loning for the night.. The.. Darkness and my comfort.