

In the dark, we are all alone.

The feeling is so strong.

The hurt is so wrong.

But we are all alone.


I look in the mirror,

I try not to fear,

The voices i hear,

Coming from the mirror.


I listen to the voices,

And all the different choices.

I try to avoid them,

But my mind just hoards them.


I look to the sky.

I hope to find

The father others see

But the sun just blinds me.


I catch the tears

That hold the fears,

Of the hopeless pain

And the loss of gain.


It\'s hard to speek,

Of the dreams I seek.

The darkness is always there,

And we\'re always alone.


The darkness is a welcoming mat

And the light is an open door.

The darkness welcomes the alone,

But so does the light.


Death isn\'t the end,

It\'s just a new start

For the heart and its numerous parts.


Welcome the darkness,

But never let it rule your life.

It will destroy your satisfaction

But not your attraction.