Ruth Fadairo


She is strong

She is a phenomenon

She is my wonder woman.


You see, I don’t look up to fictional characters. I don’t look up to reality stars.

I look up to her.

On days like this I appreciate her.

Her warm aura. Her brown skin. Her beauty. 

Being surrounded by someone so magical yet so modest.

Her passion, oh her passion for me and my brother,

It makes me shed tears, tears of sorrow, tears of joy.

The sacrifices she has made, the grief and the suffering she has beared,

Just to allow me to become whomsoever I dream to be.



She would sit with me, she would cry with me.

Hold me tight in her arms and tell me, I am great.

“Don’t doubt yourself, you are destined for greatness

“I know you can do it”

“You are God’s child”.

She brought me up to be a God fearing woman.

She single-handedly continues to bring up a strong black MAN.

She is a constant reminder of who, and what I do this for.

Yes, I do this for me. But SHE is my inspiration.

I don’t want to disappoint her.

The greatness she has shown me, I want to multiply by tenfold and use the greatness

To let her reap the fruits of her labour.


  My brother.

     Our Work.


She is my heart. She is OUR heart.


She is strong

She is a phenomenon

She is my wonder woman

She is my mum.



Dedicated to Gloria Osayande.





[International woman’s day]