
Headless Horseman

Twas the arrival of Samhain
when the pumpkins cackle is heard
by the folk of Sleepy Hollow.

For days spent in dread
the new night will run red
I ride through land claimed by the dead
too summon the Shepard of Autumn nights.

Through rituals of resurrection
I have come to summon thee
strayed demon, come forth
too smash the silence with a cry from the underworld
Dullahan, rise.

No more do you have to search the night
for what was once yours,
I possess that which you seek
Ride this nights oblivion and
reign hell upon this town
your head will be found.

Woe to all of Sleepy Hollow and
bear witness the taking of beings never too be brought back
Decapitate the souls you wish too carry with you
for eons.

Against the dying light
the town will sleep tonight.