



Why?why do I always feel this ?please god I need help ! Please.I just want it to end!

Why do I feel so worthless
Every time I think of you I\'m always breathless
Every time you\'re in my mind
I\'ll fuck a random slut I can find
I really wish I can leave everything behind
How could I been so blind

Knowing that you weren\'t the one
Every night the only thing on my head is a gun
You rub things in my face , what do you want a congratulations you fucking won?!

Every drug I tried
Has taken away my pride
Whenever I wake up I wish I would just die

Each day I cared for you
My love for you grew
But in return what did I get
Two beautiful years I want to regret
God I wish there was just a button to reset

when I think about my life
I\'m always holding that knife
Wanting to see the afterlife
But what keeps me holding
Is that one day I\'m hoping
That you can see from my perspective
And That it\'ll be affective
For I can laugh back

Knowing that you left my heart black

I\'m so sorry guys
I just had to let it out,goes to someone I despise
I wouldn\'t be able to paralyze

this pain

What have i gained from this rap
Nothing but eyestrains ,giving me chest pains
What would you do if I had a gun on my temple leaving bloodstains
And which one of us would be the blame of it

Really I hate to admit it
He may be a perfect fit
But did he get you things that you needed ,things you wanted
Tell me did he go through all his blood , sweat and spit
To get you things that\'ll make you more beautiful
My love for you couldn\'t been more provable
But in the end it was all illusional

Why am I the one to be blamed
Do you not sense a little shame
You have no idea what\'s keeping me sane

But to be truthful I\'ve met more hoes that are actually honest
And I treated you like a goddess we even made a promise
That you weren\'t with me because of my wallet
Please let\'s not make this into a contest

Because if I was more honest
There would\'ve been two broken hearts

Do you really think that I\'m that heartless
Hell no the most I\'ll leave is a carcass
You left me nothing but darkness
But I thank you because now I can be something bigger than Satan
I\'ll become the new king of hell ,with a more awesome looking fortress
But regardless who wins

I\'ll always rise back up , break out of this cell
Bring back something bigger than hell
So watch your back
Because lucifer and his hell knights will attack .

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