
Land of the Free


..We\'ve lived off that country time, yet the lemonade is hour less,

With a lot of corporations rattling, to a gas leak & venomous Hiss,

Americanism is NOT the same; manufacturing internationally,

And with each deposit fee, it\'s Made in China not your household Pottery,

Now our constitution is expandable to a lawless faction,

As compromise show Bills passed with no registered Transaction,

Secretly we\'re fooled; by our well trusted Government,

To say Uncle Sam is irrelevant; just a family raised adolescent,

I\'ve seen the financial struggle, just to make ends meet,

Whereas a politician lies straightforward; saluting in Neat,

They say President Trump isn\'t the peripheral; yet holds different views,

In which an anchorman shipwrecked media aboard Fake News,

Nowadays mass riots invoke serums, protesting an Infection,

Controlled by hate crimes, as Smiles decrease shown bad Wi-Fi Reception,

So humane we\'re trafficking, with issues moved no Subscription,

That underlined suspicion, they want to Put-Out a Vladimir eviction,

Well can we Take a Pledge of Allegiance or freshly wood scent,

For an oath is kept to kneel; opposed to an Anthem embarrassment, 

O\'America! We greatly need your home remedies soothed herbal Tea,

If living so proudly, weed out those Acres. I want a Land of the Free..