
Covenant Certainties

Fits tune: Leominster

(\'Make me a captive, Lord\')


My thoughts of you (Lord) shall be

Here meditatively

Or at times be in heartfelt praise

Joyful songs to you raise

For our high priest you are

Removed to heaven the bar

Of sin, that all my enter in

And find your peace within


Peace within hearts thus cleansed

Though we cannot amend

Our lives by our efforts alone

You do for us atone

Forgiven, loved, and free

That state attain to be

\'Tis possible through Christ your Son

The true, the holy one


He saves to uttermost

In Him shall be our boast

With pride untainted by self-will

But trusting in Him still

He ever lives and prays

And intercedes and says

\'Forgive them Father\', for I gave

My life them for to save


And here new covenant

You shall it not relent

But place in hearts and minds words true

Your laws, and us renew

So inner witness sure

Resides in us e\'er more

Your Spirit to us your words bring

To you we praises sing