Fay Slimm.

White Nectar.

White Nectar.

She whistles her charges with shrill treble then in distant field
flicking ears hear, long legs flex,
tongues slick thirsty lips while giant heads, raising from dozes
among marigolds skyward stretch.

Flanks heave upward and as un-gainly frames meander home
wide vacant eyes gaze round gently.

Mooing with milk-weight cows move toward barn where waits
feed of hay and as cooling hands calm
hot udders by maid\'s soft touch care dis-arms taut nerves and
cream spurts wet heat into parlour.

Stirring smells of ate meadow-grass drench girls who aproned  
with strength have the will to work hard.

Chewing late cud inmates take patient mooing turns in gaining
relief and while the gurgle of milk-pail
fills and spills pearls at each twirl of long tail her supper waits
for liquid cream cannot be wasted.

Bovines train by responding to kindness while able husbandry
when taught from the family cradle
knows founts, brimming with milk require labour so every day
her head bows while mealtime is graced.

Praise for all workers who daily deliver white nectar to tables.