
The Reigning Flame


..The Decease can come in several measures, whether it be a foot to miles, showing signs of external happiness, yet within our heart staggering Smiles, So the love that we cherish, should bring remembrance with its extended Hope, for some individuals are tormented faults, that tangled earlier opposing Elope, Sadly, we have no multiple choice to grieve, just our condolences to amends, shaken to an unearthly point, we lose our close-ONES as if numerical Twins, Painfully as it seems, the vapor levitates our spirits towards a restoration, yet our memories may feel secure, once thoughts convey belts of Fascination, However, people aren\'t as strong to cope, crippled to see their next of Kin, then your breath start\'s to escape, alerting the premises for depleted Oxygen, Now grasped with memories from Polaroid\'s, that bookmarks the essence of life, with hurtful sorrows of wounds, cutting so deep that it fossilized the Knife, So courageously, our loved ones would want us to move forward, & checkmate reality, after a long list of grieving, and PAID respect to tribute a miscellaneous Salary, Ooh merciful, we start questioning ourselves, what if this happens to our Erika? being so mental that death can easily break US apart, as the initials of America, Trapped at a funeral in all black, no room to breath as if vacant to suffocation, reading the obituary throughout, & with the time of death written as Grim Duration, Thus, we will always have our memories from terminal illness or being Slain, Till we lift our candles with dripping tears, to respect with \"The Reigning Flame\"...