
The Life of a Romantic

Yes, I don’t know you,

But imagine for one moment I do.

Would you care for me if you found me,

Covered in black and blue?

Of course you would- you have caring eyes

and skin that looks unmarred.

Everyone cares about your pain,

If it leaves you visibly scarred.

How about our anniversary?

Would you get me a red rose?

Or would you remember my favourite forget-me-nots,

Like the ones in the meadows?

I hope you would,

Your hands are adorned by scribbles and writing.

Maybe you have terrible memory,

Or just waiting for something more exciting.

By your book choice, you are-

I remember it swallowed me whole,

You would deal with the ending better than me,

But, I think it would change your soul.

Wait, oh.

You shut your book and start moving to the front.

This is my last chance to know you truly,

I should go and take a punt.

I imagine going up to you,

But my legs never move.

Lets be honest I don’t have the courage

and I think you would disapprove.

So you walk out of the bus,

And I stay in my seat,

One day I will stand,

But for now I’ll keep dreaming on repeat.