Fine hairs rise upon my skin
A chill starts from within
Goosebumps cover me
As it starts to smother me
My breathing fails to come
Apprehension makes me numb
Shivers creep up my spine
From my lips a subtle whine
Take a deep breath and sigh
Slowly hope starts to die
Bile rises in my throat
Covered in a sweaty coat
I clench my fists too tight
Blood pumps at a new height
Tears slides down my face
All i hear is my heart race
Force my eyes shut too tight
As darkness fills my sight
My knees fail to hold me
I fall to the floor coldly
A sob tears from my lips
As my heartbeat skips
Crumpled up and crying
Shaking where im lying
Feel the invisible claws pry
This is it the end is nigh
My body is limp and cold
Fear has me in its hold