
Thankful Tributes

Fits tune: Abridge

(\'Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide\')

Based on part of Psalm 116


I love the Lord for He has heard

My voice, heeded each word

My supplications, humble, plain

I seek His grace again


Because He has His ear inclined

To me, \'tis now my mind

To call upon Him here as long

As I live, with joyful song


The sorrows of death compassed me

Pains of hell held me, see

I did find trouble, sorrow sore

But called on you e\'ermore


O Lord, here I do beseech

My soul deliver, reach

For you are gracious, righteous too

And have great mercies new


The Lord the simple does preserve

None of it I deserve

But by your grace, when I brought low

You to me help did show


Return unto your rest, my soul

The Lord shall make you whole

Bountifully has dealt with you

With blessings not a few


For you my soul have delivered

From death, my cries have heard

Have dried my tears, my feet have kept

In your ways when I wept


I will now before the Lord true walk

And in communion talk

With Him, in [the] land of living here

His presence always dear


What shall I to Him now render?

My shield, my defender

What give unto Him for benefits?

He my heart to Him knits


I shall cup of salvation take

That the offering make

And call upon Him my Lord, my King

Thus praise Him, to Him sing


I will give thanks, call in His name

Give Him His worth and fame

Pay my vows to Him, seek His way

He saves my soul each day