Blue is the ecstasy of summer; the blissful breeze. It could also be that gloomy feeling I get when we don’t talk. It is the raindrops from the sky, but also the tears that fall from my eyes. Green is the warm summer air, but also the delightful feeling I get looking into his chocolate eyes. Although green is warm and joyful, don’t let it fool you. Sometimes green can be like grass, beautiful, but a constant itch.
Pink is always so bright. Pink is like the euphoria I get on nights I stay up talking to him. Pink can be as bright as his smile, but the bad thing about pink is you’ll never want it to end, and you are completely frightened that it may. Yellow is the temperate summer sun hitting against my pale skin, but never tanning it. Yellow is the twinkle in his dark brown eyes as he’s looking at me. Yellow is pure happiness until I am no longer allowed to make eye contact with him.
Purple is the butterflies swarming my stomach. Purple is his positive attitude and bubbly personality. Purple is like spring. Purple smells like the prettiest flower in the garden. Sometimes purple is very scary, like the anger and frustration that sometimes fills his deep voice. Grey is the pain of not being in your strong arms. It is the cold winter air that you wish would go away, but grey makes me smile, like when he sings his heart out to me. Grey is like the clouds on a rainy day, beautiful and dark.
White is an empty canvas, an unfinished painting. White is beautiful though, like the bright stars in a clear midnight sky, like the white fluffy clouds above in the summer, or the cold snowflakes that fall in the winter. White is like his perfect smile. The smile that brings me so much joy. White can also be the feeling of lightning striking my chest at his sometimes cruel words. Orange is strange. Almost ignored, it doesn’t get the credit it deserves. The kid that never gets picked for the team. It goes unnoticed like the way he tries so hard to keep me. His effort is almost invisible. No one sees how hard he tries to keep me, not even me.
Brown is what society refers to as “ugly”, like mud. What they don’t see is his dark chocolate eyes that send your stomach for a roller coaster. When you look into those big, beautiful, brown eyes of his, chills run down your spine. There’s beauty in everything, even brown. Black is the dark world you go to late at night when he’s not there. Don’t let it mislead you though, the darkness may be scary, but it’s peaceful. The darkness may be lonely, but it’s what helps you find yourself. Black is a sad song with a beautiful meaning.
Gold is the rareness of his personality. It’s what every girl wants, which causes the burning flame of jealousy. The burning pit in the bottom of your stomach as you lay in bed thinking about other girls being with him. That jealousy soon turns into the feeling of being special because you’re the one he chose. Silver is the second choice, something no one ever wants to be. Silver isn’t as good, it’s the background. It’s second place. It’s just not good enough. Even though silver may just be second place, it’s still a prize.
Tan is summer. Tan is the warm breeze and dark skin. Tan is waiting. The waiting is draining your color, but the little bit of color left is you holding on because of how strongly you feel about him. It’s believing in you and me. Aqua is the ocean waves. It’s energetic. It is also the smile that hides the tears I cry. It’s how far I’d be willing to go for you. Aqua is all of the dreams. It is also the reassuring feeling I get as we talk about our future.
Red is love. It is not the distance between us, it is our love for one another. It is the stars, sun, moon, pleasure, and hurt. Love makes people crazy because it simply makes no sense. It is being hurt, but giving second chances. It is what I feel for you. It is your personality, your caring heart, eyes, smile, everything about you. You have me madly in red.