

{VERSE 1:}
Starry mid summer\'s eve there you and I were walking \'long the beach, with the star winking at me, my hand in your hand, for a second I let your hand go so I could to write \"I Love You\" in the sand but when I looked up you weren\'t standing there beside anymore, looking all \'round but you weren\'t anywhere to be found till I gander out at the ocean and there were almost ten miles out and drifting further and further away from me I tried running out into the waters to rescue you but I just woke drenched in a sweat, waking up from such crazy dream then I reached over to hold you in the morning light but you weren\'t there – So I just wound up clinging to your pillow but nonetheless I still clung to it so tight cause the smell of you lingers even though you\'re long gone.

But for a just second in a blink of what seemed like infinity -
I thought you were still here with me and you hadn\'t shed your mortal coils -
Yeah for a minute there in the breath of hallelujah -
All that was wronged had been righted as though you would never have been missing out of my life -
Ah just for a moment there in the vast void of certain damnation -
Instead of dying a little more each day I had begun to live again -
But alas, it was only a painful reminding nightmare masquerading around as an inspiring hopeful dream but oh what I wouldn\'t sacrifice for a moment in eternity with you once more again ~

{VERSE 2:}
Another day has come to pass and then fallen into night, a dreary lonesome Friday night. After work while I was stopped at a crosswalk, suddenly from the corner of my eye I noticed this angel walked right by me on the right side stunned by whom I thought it was. It was just then that the sign flashed \"walk\" my feet damn near hit the ground running as I followed her and even though I tried calling your name it was you who never turned around. But oh, I could have sworn it was you by the walk, the hair and the smell of the perfume it was almost like it was one in the same of my beloved. Oh, how I wish she might turn around and answer and it would have been you or at least answer to your name...


{VERSE 3:}
Awe sad it is that tonight the stars in heaven don\'t shine as brightly as they should be shining but regardless of their brightness I swear I can still see one of them brighter than all the rest and it\'s almost like it is winking down at me. Could it be you let me know that you\'re never really that far that you\'ve always been here even though you are no longer amongst the living anymore? I really don\'t know I can\'t say for sure but there are days where it feels as though when the wind blows across me is your gentle voice saying it is all right or whenever the rain falls softly upon my skin it is almost like your loving touch comforting me whenever I feel the loneliest or whenever the sun shines brightly Upon my darkest days it\'s almost like you are showing me the lighted path to hopefulness.


{VERSE 4:}
To the angels, I cry and to God I pray in such begging mercy, couldn\'t you just turn back the hands of time and undo my beloved loving sacrifice for me she had done long ago!? But it\'s heartless and useless because I am foolish to beg to a deafened apathetic God! Oh, woes me how I would sacrifice anything and everything just so I could love you once more for a moment in eternity with you once more again...