

You were like gum draining out the flavor and I was your glass of chardonnay washing down the feelings.

we were like nails scraping down the chalkboard.

Broken glass can\'t fit it back,

Broken hearts can\'t glue them back together.

Forget I asked we were a never,

forget I felt a single forever.


Oh, You were like gum draining out the flavor and I was your glass of chardonnay washing down the feelings.

broken glass

broken hearts,

they can\'t be fixed.

I am your last so make it happen

I am the prey so tear me to shreds.

broken glass 

broken dreams,

they can\'t be fixed.

Oh,  You were like gum draining out the flavor and I was your glass of chardonnay washing down the feelings.

We were like nails scraping down he chalkboard.

Never to be, 

never to be seen.

I thought I be you\'re forever, but now were a never. 

Oh spite me out,

oh just leave me out. 

Protect me from your self,

protect me form myself.

these is how the dice rolls,

these is how forever is suppose to go.