


 It doesn\'t, takes a trio. For, you tough guy\'s.\" It can, be, an, ordinary, chaps\' like, Bill Nye.\" Whose, more, quicker, on, the draw but unfamiliar, to the law.\" Because, no one, has, ever, known, that, he could, be, so, raw.\" Whether, If, he, was in the wrong place. At, the wrong time.\" Or, the most, comfort zones in the comfort, of, his, own home. While, it\'s being ramshackled by a rude boy.\" An, unknown, hardcore, armed, intruders.\" Who\'s ready, to shoot, & plus, his, hands held, a chrome nine.\" Would\'ve injured, his, spleen, from, a bullet hole, in, his, spine.\" If, he, hadn\'t, heard, the sound, of, his, burglars alarm.\" Or, from, the barrage. Going, off. Right, out, of, the norm. Cause, of, his, unlawfully, an, hostile, malicious, mentality, & then, was blind sided, by the gun firing personality. It would\'ve been no regrets. If, he, spilled, his, guts.\" But, you wouldn\'t, wannabe, him, who, was raw, uncut.\"