
But why?

The day will come that you\'ll wonder how I expressed these thoughts aloud.

So when you\'ve grown into such a thoughtful adult, know you\'ve made me proud.

JOY, sorrow, pain, and strain are all part of parenting, which I would do over in a heartbeat and from none of it refrain.

See these moments of JOY are much easier to express. 

Through everyday motions and daily routines it\'s easy to show my LOVE for you.

Since you are old enough to read my words and fill your mind with wonder, you surely have figured out that my LOVE has always been there even when you\'ve blundered.

It\'s the sorrow, pain, and strain that must be kept locked away.

Every parent experiences them but must not let it show.

Though this LOVE remains day after day.

So I sit alone and let these feelings flow.

In order to cope with these hard times 

I took it to paper and made it all rhyme.

I love you my dear children and want you to know, each tear I have shed in raising you was made by LOVE that overflowed. 


