
Ugly War!

How ugly war is!

How hateful and cruel!

See the people filing in

they stop and look

at the silent soldier

before them sprawled

The soldier lies

ashen face stoically tensed

silently they walk away


It is so … war is ugly!

Lifeless and silent

pale and empty

the corpse stays

youth ended


what a waste

A grave surrounded

mourners cry

circling endlessly

fixed eyes

In the middle

the casket lies

laden with flowers

farewell notes

the people walk

with inundated eyes

faces fearing

the eerie visit

Death has come

to the young

to the old

to them all

Wondering when

the war would end

but time is uncertain

Politicians extol

the brave young men

but death mars

their flowery speech

Walking slowly, tired

looking at death

death has come

how long its visit

nobody knows ...