SAINTLY PATRICK ~ An Acrostic Sonnet



SAINT PATRICK ~ Born in Scotland in 375 AD

AS A TEEN he was kidnapped and taken to IRELAND

IN IRELAND he worked as a Shepherd for six years. He

NEVER liked being a Slave so he escaped

TO WALES where he met up with his Parents. He

LOVED GOD and the Truths of the BIBLE. He

YEARNED to be a Priest and serve GOD in the CHURCH


PATRICK travelled to FRANCE and he trained to become 

A  PRIEST.  He received a direct call for GOD to return

TO IRELAND to strenghen the CHURCH and teach the FAITH. He

REACHED many people and ministered and worked

IN IRELAND for over 40 years ! Through his work IRELAND became

CHRISTIAN in 432 AD. PATRICK died in 470 AD aged 95. His

KINSHIP with IRELAND and the IRISH is celebrated on 17 MARCH


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ An Irish Hug ~ BRIAN

An IRISH HUG is with the left arm only because the right hand is

always clutching a jar full o\' GUINNESS ~ AMEN !


This poem is presented as a Free Verse Acrostic Sonnet (7 ~ 7) ~ OK