We have a cat called Dave
he has a stripy tail.
His attitude is cool
through life he seems to sail.
With mice he is a catcher,
with furniture a scratcher
We have a cat called Dave
he has a stripy tail.
His ears are very big
but he doesn\'t give a fig.
With food he is a muncher
with paper bags a scruncher.
We have a cat called Dave
he has a stripy tail.
When he wants a stroke
he\'s quite a friendly bloke
But when he\'s in a stir
it\'s \"hey don\'t touch the fur\".
We have a cat called Dave
he has a stripy tail.
His whiskers long and fine
his glossy coat sublime.
What does he contribute
simply being sooo.. cute.
We have a cat called Dave
he has a stripy tail.
And we love him.