
Smiling Jack

Smiling Jack,

Not the cartoon.

A jeweler I know,

A shyster buffoon.


Such a large,

Collection of gems.

Keeps them shiny,

Always polishing them.


I stopped inside,

His store on Main.

He was helping a customer,

Hand in hand with a friend.


At wedding rings,

They did gaze.

A marriage they planned,

Set in several days.


Jack was smiling,

There was no doubt.

When out of their wallets,

Many bills, they pulled out.


Jack’s eyes, they sparkled,

At their faces.

Brighter than the stones,

In the glass cases.


“Send me the date,

Inside I’ll engrave.

As a loving reminder,

Of your day!”


Then they shook hands,

And left the store.

Jack didn’t see me,

I was blocked by the door.


Out loud to himself,

In a joyful, shrill voice.

“What a profit I made,

On their cheap choice!”


“If they knew,

How they were ripped off,

They’d probably punch me,

And, call the Cops!”


I stepped forward,

Into Jack’s view.

“I’m ashamed!” I said,

“Ashamed of you!”


“That sweet young couple,

Just starting out.

Ripping them off,

Man, you’re a louse!”


“There you stand,

Your face beguiling.

How they trusted you,

As at them you’re smiling.”


Suddenly, it was then,

Jack smiled no more.

Turned my back and left,

In his store no more.


To this day I wonder,

If he’s changed his ways.

Instead, now Honest Jack,

For the rest of his days.