
Real and Just Unseen

Who\'s to say what\'s real and unreal

That our dreams are just make-ups of out imagination

Who\'s to say that our dreams aren\'t the reality and reality is a dream

When we go to sleep,

We are are really just waking up


You can tell that a room is crowded with just three people,

Yet all we humans see are three cell-based pieces of matter

Use context clues

Study the three people\'s faces 

Feel the tension in the room and spiraling feelings

Nothing else can fit

Nothing we can see


Tell me, aren\'t most beliefs based upon the things that humans can not see

Well, surely you have seen God, met Poseidon, or know a Demi-God

Same goes for scientist, who believe in just that

Have you ever seen The Big Bang happen

The answer isn\'t yes


So now I rest my case, 

To prove what no one knows

Real is what we can see

Fake is what we can dream

But really it\'s just unseen.