Aa Harvey





I fly through my mind looking for the perfect picture,

But all the images I create are saved for later.

A memory of a film that does not go with this poem;

 A thought about a thing, that does not belong in this verse.

So fast I go through my picture perfect slide-show;

No time to go back and remember her.



Just forwards, onwards, towards the right words;

No backward step into the unknown.

Just on through those thoughts that I call the not needed,

The never thought of

And the never known.



A limit of time is controlling my adventure,

So now even faster I advance, seeing pictures inside pictures

And further down into my soul I go,

In search of an image made from the artist inside.

In search of hope in this place I call my mind;

The perfect image I am yet to find...



Throw paper to the floor, run through many a varied door,

The end is my goal; it is what I came here for

And then at last I find what I need…

A typewriter on a table,

A comfortable seat,

In a room without distractions,

I can make use of the pictures I have seen

And as I begin to write, I think to myself…

Was this all just a dream?



(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.