
Audible Life Vest

I\'m at a loss for words.

So much to say, yet I fall silent.

My mouth and mind not on the same side.

Unsure of which path to take, I\'m like Alice wandering blindly.

I follow my heart but that gets me in trouble.

To emotional to make the choices that follow.

To wrapped up in the \"what if\" not focused on the now. 

So many questions left unanswered.

I\'m scratching for the surface.

Drowning in my thoughts.

Someone throw a life vest before I disappear in the darkness.

Shine a light in the cave I have found myself in.

Slowly but surely making it through with the sound of music.

The sweet symphony of notes guiding me to freedom.

Freedom from the thoughts that trap me in darkness.

Freedom from the demons that have their claws around my throat.

Preventing me from breathing.

Preventing me from speaking.

The sound pulling me from my paralyzing slumber.

It gives me release, if only for a moment.

Gives me hope to make it another day.

Drives me to follow my passions.

I will conquer my demons.

I will fight my way through if necessary.

In the end I will find the voice to say, \"I won\".